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Mining company TeraWulf pays off outstanding debt early

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Zaid Suleman
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The payment will allow the company to focus on scaling operations rather than keeping up with debt obligations in the post-halving environment.

On July 9, crypto mining firm TeraWulf announced it paid off its outstanding debt earlier than expected, in a final payment of $77.5 million.

Executives for TeraWulf said the debt reduction would allow the company to maximize its resources and focus on the deployment of mining infrastructure, rather than meeting burdensome debt obligations.

TeraWulf’s early debt repayment aligns with the company’s plans to maximize shareholder value through organic growth strategies. TeraWulf chief strategy officer Kerri Langlais recently told Cointelegraph that the company was not seeking aggressive expansion through mergers and acquisitions, citing increases in profit margins and operational efficiency as ways to provide sustainable shareholder returns.

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